CAFPA – D.C. ASM Fall 2021 Meeting

Safety First:  Microbial Monitoring
of Our Water and Food

​October 27, 2021  I  1-4 pm  I  Virtual

Join DC area scientists (professionals and students) for an exciting afternoon of food safety, microbiology, public health, and raffle prizes!

The meeting is jointly hosted by the Capital Area Food Protection Association (CAFPA) and the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) Washington, D.C. Branch.

Invited Speakers:

Wastewater Based Epidemiology: Maintaining Production through Increased Worker Safety

Jordan Schmidt, Ph.D.

Director, Product Applications
LuminUltra Technologies, Ltd.

Managing Risk in a Field of Uncertainty: Foodborne Pathogens in the Produce Production Environment

Michelle Danyluk, Ph.D.

Professor & Extension Specialist
University of Florida

Telling Microbial Stories

Roberto Kolter, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Microbiology Harvard University